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Body Type: Liver

Elán Med Center

More commonly experienced by men, the Liver Body Type can have a thin physique overall but a progressively larger abdomen. If the liver is not detoxified, this condition will continue to worsen.

Physical Signs of this body type:

  • Bulging abdomen

  • Brown spots on hands and body

  • Yellowish eyes

  • Aching joints

  • Burning eyelids in the morning

  • Skin problems

Liver Dysfunction

  • When there is liver damage, it causes a swollen abdomen.

  • Not only from fat accumulation but also from fluids.

  • When there is excessive fluid, it can drip into the stomach, known as ascites.

  • Moving the stomach from side to side feels like a water-filled bladder, it is best to confirm it with an ultrasound. Also known as "beer belly". This is because alcohol destroys the liver.

  • In this condition, there is a protein deficiency. It is necessary to consume high-quality protein (organic) accompanied by plenty of vegetables to relieve stress on the liver and correct this condition.

  • Constipation, if waste cannot be eliminated, the liver becomes congested.

  • Consumption of refined sugars, including alcohol, bread, pasta, cereals, cookies, pancakes, juices, and carbonated beverages, greatly impacts the liver and converts into cholesterol or fat. The combination of fats with sugars, such as ice cream, breaded or barbecued meats, also stresses the liver.

  • Furthermore, they lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body, especially B-complex vitamins.

  • Viruses and fungi can destroy the liver, such as hepatitis. The use of antibiotics disrupts the microbiome and allows these microorganisms to proliferate.

  • Medications such as statins, analgesics.

  • Nutritional deficiencies, especially B-complex vitamins. It is recommended to obtain them from food sources.

  • Monosodium glutamate in processed foods, which increases salt intake and causes fluid retention, leaving marks on socks.

Fatty Liver

It is produced by excessive accumulation of fat or triglycerides in the liver, known as Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), caused by an excess of carbohydrates, glucose, alcohol, or fructose, including fruit. The accumulation of fat can cause inflammation, cell death, and scarring.

After suffering from Fatty Liver for a few years, it can progress to chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis or even end-stage liver disease, where the only solution is a liver transplant. Fatty liver is currently the leading cause of liver transplants.

The FDA has not approved any medication to treat this disease yet, but in the field of Anti-Aging medicine, it is understood that there are effective treatments.

What causes this problem?

It's not the fat... It's the fructose that turns into fat in the liver. It's lipogenesis, which is a normal process of the body in response to sugar, the genesis of fat or where fat begins. Glucose can be used by all cells in the body, but fructose cannot.

Fructose goes directly to the liver and undergoes lipogenesis, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. This insulin generates body and visceral fat caused by sugar and starch. Fructose is found in vegetables and fruits in varying amounts, as well as in sweeteners such as corn syrup, fruit juices, carbonated beverages, and excessive use of sweeteners, which are the problem.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA plastics, xenoestrogens, alter genetic expressions in the liver, according to Cheryl Lyn Walker from the Health Science Center Texas. Sweetened beverages pose a great risk of developing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, as shown in a study on children by Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition, which found that 10% of children in the United States have it: 1% of children aged 2-4 years, 17% of teenagers aged 15-19 years, and 30% of adults. 38% of obese children have it, which means they will require a liver transplant in adulthood.

Fat in foods does not cause insulin secretion in the pancreas; that is done by sugar and carbohydrates. Good fats in foods are burned, not stored, unless they are accompanied by carbohydrates, such as a buttered bread, French fries, or a doughnut.

The use of medication can cause inflammation in the liver as it accumulates.



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